
Muthirai makes your trademark registration process easy with our experts who expertise in trademark availability search, trademark filing, trademark examination, reply to examination, re-examination, and hearing for more than two decades, our responsibility does not end with just filling the trademark, in fact here it starts, we monitor and take actions for all the trademark procedure stage by stage until your trademark registered successfully.

Our speciality, we guide you right from choosing 100% protectable business names or brand names, how to check availability, possibilities of conflict in other trademark classes, which needs to be protected, supporting documents to be prepared before we go filing the Trademark.

Muthirai is a trademark registration consultancy head office in Chennai firm since 2003, company run under the guidance of our CEO / brand naming expert Mr.Sivakumar, who has 25 years of rich experience in creating and protecting brand names for various companies, Who will guide / explain you trademark procedure step by step until your trademark registered successfully.

Meet our experts

55, 3rd Floor, Kadarkarai Thangam Complex,
Kamala Nehru Nagar 2nd Street,100 Feet Road,
Choolaimedu, Chennai - 600094.
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